Making the most of your most valuable resource
If there is one thing you never have enough of, it is time.
Decades of research consistently reveal that mastering time management is crucial for leadership success, with poor time management leading to significant declines in both leader performance and team productivity.
Forbes recognised this in a recent look at the advantages of time management, noting that “being busy does not mean being productive”. This is an important point - what we do matters, not just how much of the day we fill with tasks. Prioritising which tasks time is spent on can have a dramatic effect on overall productivity and efficiency.
Intelligent leadership solutions look to streamline this prioritisation of tasks. Finding ways to use your day as efficiently as possible has been a goal for leadership support tools for as long as they have existed. Technology is constantly evolving though, and today AI is redefining how we take on many tasks in every aspect of life. Artificial intelligence in leadership uses this technology to provide time management for leaders that really can give you back more time to be productive and achieve more.
A leadership tool such as Accomplice provides intelligent leadership solutions based around your current workload. With Accomplice, the work is done in the background taking care of the repetitive tasks you need to get done, while you focus on the interpersonal aspects and strategic choices that makes a difference to overall productivity for you and your team.
AI-powered leadership tools can eliminate a range of repetitive tasks from your day, including prompting users on the essential leadership points, the preparation for pre-and-post meetings, onboarding activities and team performance objectives. Freeing up a significant amount of time for more productive activities.
Not only do you have more time as a result, but the removal of such repetitive tasks from your schedule can help you be a better leader. Without those distractions you can be more focused on your business goals, offer improved support for individual team members or the wider group as needed and be a more effective motivator. Having more time to devote to leadership soft skills such as communication also allows you to focus those skills more effectively.
Because intelligent leadership solutions like Accomplice work in the background with minimal intervention, they don’t have a time cost to manage. Instead, allowing you to focus on productive tasks, utilising the automated work in a way to make your leadership more effective. With AI-powered leadership tools, you also have peace of mind, knowing that when you need information, whether it be meeting summaries or to prepare for tomorrows appointment, it is already there waiting for you.